Upon the Royal Command of His Majesty The King, a special sand art performance was developed by the world-renowned sand artist Kseniya Simonova, as a tribute to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo. Kseniya Simonova is a Ukranian sand animation … [Read more]
Desktop Calendars For December 2015
During the celebrations for His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo's 60th Birth Anniversary in Changlimithang on November 11, a glorious announcement was made, which filled the hearts of everyone listening with unbounded joy. His Majesty said to a … [Read more]
Spot Yourself!
Were you at the Changlimithang Stadium for the historic 11 November celebrations this year? If so, see if you can spot yourself in some of the hundreds of pictures our volunteers took throughout the celebration. We are delighted to finally upload … [Read more]
11 November 2015: A Historic Celebration – Part III
His Majesty assumed the mantle and responsibilities of Kingship at the age of 16, when ordinary people are still growing up. By the age of 51, when most people are still striving to achieve their lifelong goals, His Majesty, at the height of His … [Read more]
11 November 2015: A Historic Celebration – Part II
His Majesty assumed the mantle and responsibilities of Kingship at the age of 16, when ordinary people are still growing up. By the age of 51, when most people are still striving to achieve their lifelong goals, His Majesty, at the height of His … [Read more]
11 November 2015: A Historic Celebration – Part I
His Majesty The King, in a profound Address to the Nation on 11 November 2015, said: Today, we come together as a nation to celebrate a special day of national pride and jubilation, which will be hallowed in the memory of all Bhutanese as a day where … [Read more]
Coronation Special: Raising A Generation of Nation-Builders
Among the most visible and perhaps most important of His Majesty’s immeasurable work for the people of Bhutan, are His Majesty’s Audiences to the people, which are an opportunity for His Majesty to Address His people, and listen to their thoughts. … [Read more]
Desktop Calendars For November 2015
On 11 November this year, on the 60th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, the entire nation will come together to pay tribute to an extraordinary leader, a truly visionary King– our most beloved Drukgyal Zhipa. We join the … [Read more]
Luminous Words: Life As A Book
Bhutan is exceptional in being blessed with a King whose abiding concern for the wellbeing of His people, and the success of the nation is evident in all of His Majesty's work. An integral part of this work has been, throughout His Majesty's reign, … [Read more]
Bhutan, Nepal, and an Earthquake
When an earthquake struck Nepal on 25th April this year, a Bhutanese team was immediately sent to deliver medical aid, Commanded by His Majesty The King. In Nepal, they amazed all who came to visit their camps by their self-sufficient set up, they … [Read more]